“Keep your sense of wonder, child.” – Mary Norton

Garry's Garbles 02

I have always been a fan of stories about “the little guy.” When looking for scripts to present for SoLit's Theatre Express programming, I came across Charles Way's adaptation of this Mary Norton classic. It checks so many boxes for me personally, but also for ETC. It's a new and unpublished version by a nonmainstream playwright (at least not here in America), its a children's play with humor and storylines that can be enjoyed by adults. And finally, it is a story that takes the unbelievable, imaginative idea and realizes it in such a way that makes it seem possible. That kind of engagement of the imagination and the blurring of the lines of reality allow us as theatre artists to search for creative ways to present the material. This is a show that will live in the ETC repertoire for years to come and that kind of legacy really excites us.